It includes the services of:
Monthly preparation of Official Wage Statements with wage cost report.
Preparation of Quarterly and Annual Taxes, Mod.111 and Mod. 190, of Personal Income Tax, including professionals and self-employed persons subject to withholding.
Preparation of Annual Certificate of I.R.P.F. and Mod. 145
Settlement of monthly social security payments through the RED System with direct debit and presentation of CRA files.
Employment contracts, application of bonuses under the Employment Promotion Plan in force and registration with the SEPE.
Movements (registrations, cancellations, variations, cancellations) in Social Security by telematic means through the RED System.
Termination of contracts, dismissals, severance payments, unemployment certificates.
Management of incapacity and work accidents through the RED System and the Delt@ System, control of benefits (maternity, paternity, unemployment, etc.).
Labor advice (contract bonuses, quota reductions, etc.)
Processing ofsubsidies
This service has a cost of 10% of the amount successfully obtained. If we don’t get you anything, we don’t charge you. It depends on the subsidies and aid established by the Community of Madrid, the National Government and the European Union.
Financial advisorypersonalized
Our expert personal finance consultant who will help you organize your finances and your retirement. Free
Consulting energy
Every year it is convenient to review the electricity and gas bill, pass it to us and we will see if we can make you have a small saving. Free
Management ofinsurance
On many occasions we are forced to take out life, home, travel, car insurance… ask us for a quote before the renewal and we are sure we can get you a better offer through our insurance brokerage. Free
Dissolving a company is a situation that must be studied and analyzed carefully because it is a complex phase and there are different causes for doing so. These causes must be legitimate and approved at the general meeting.
The different circumstances to dissolve a corporation may be:
- The cessation in the exercise of the constituent activity in its corporate purpose.
- For inactivity for a period of more than one year.
- For the conclusion of the business that constitutes its object. In other words, a company is created to carry out a project, the project is completed and the company is dissolved.
- Due to the impossibility of achieving the social purpose.
- Due to the paralysis of the corporate bodies, making it impossible for the company to operate.
- For economic losses that reduce the net worth to an amount less than one-half of the capital stock.
- Reduction of the capital stock below the legal minimum.
- For any other cause established in the bylaws.
- Date fixed in the company’s bylaws for the termination of the company.
- In the case of cooperative societies, it shall be dissolved when the number of members is less than the established number.
- In the case of partnerships, it is dissolved upon the death of one of the general partners, unless his estate provides for a substitute.
Any of the partners may request that the administrators call a General Meeting to propose the dissolution of the company.
all debtors. Subsequently, the liquidation of the company will be registered in the Commercial Registry.
Once the liquidation process is completed, and if there is a surplus, it will be distributed among the partners in proportion to their social contribution.
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